
We are happy that you are considering working for New Mexico Security Services LLC. We are always looking for qualified applicants for positions. We are looking for dependable, hard working, people that bring something to the table. The ideal applicant for security officers has a background in corrections, law enforcement, or military. We take high risk contracts that are not just your normal run of the mill everyday security company contracts. While we may have some that are normal run of the mil, that is not our normal and contract we are after.

We have a selection process which requires applicants to try out this includes a physical fitness test, drug test, oral board, and once you are into the final stages a background/credit/driving records check. These we usually setup testing dates and have applicants come into those dates and we are able to get a lot of it done then. This is usually a multi day process.

Patrol Officer Selection Process
Standing Officer Selection Process


We are always looking for ways to add to our benefits. Our goal at New Mexico Security Services is to have unmatched benefits, and take care of our employees. The employees are who make the company grow, so its only fair that in return we take care of our employees.

Finical PlanningNeed help planning for your finical future, we have partnered with a company, that for free to you will help you with that. Whether it being getting out of debt or other finical needs let our guy help you out.
RetirementWe all don’t want to be working forever, let our guy help you setup a retirement, tell you how much to put away to live the life style you want to live when you decide working is no longer right.
Life InsuranceIf you do not have life insurance, let our guy help you get that life insurance going. Make sure your family is taken care of if something should happen to you at work or in life in general.

Felony convictions – due to requirement of having to be able to possess a firearm.
Misdemeanor convictions of domestic violence – Due to requirements of having to be able to possess a firearm.
A conviction of any crime that does not allow you to possess a firearm, this includes restraining orders in which the order states that you are not allowed to possess firearms.
Felony and Misdemeanor convictions may also be a disqualifier from getting your guard card from RLD.

We require all officers to be able to be armed, and will work on training all hired officers up to a level 3 if they do not currently hold a level 3 guard card.