Patrol Officer Selection Process

Our patrol officers are unique in that we do more than just the average patrol company. Our patrols consist of checking doors, in the event that the property is a motel we will check rooms that are supposed to be vacant and verify that they are, we do not just drive up to a house of business sit there for 2 minutes and leave.

All this is included in the fees that are charged to the customer and this is the service they are told they will get. We also provide emergency response calls. While this doesn’t mean we drive lights and sirens like the police do, we still respond in a timely manner, and we will handle the situation as best we can while staying within the confines of the law. We are not above the law, but we have to find a way to bring a solution to the reason for the call that is within the law.

This is why the selection process is hard for our patrol services as we need people that can think quickly, professionally, and think outside the box on ways to resolve issues that are within the confines of the law, and bring the resolution to the issue.

Selection process (security patrol officers):
1. Pick a testing date (when you click RSVP a form will appear, it looks like nothing is being typed if you select all text Ctrl A while in the field you will see what is being typed in), and read the test day information.
2. Fill out application prior to testing date, as you will turn it in prior to testing.
3. Physical fitness test, you will be given an opportunity to warm up and stretch.
4. For those pass the physical test will go on the written exam.
5. For those that make it past the written exam, we will go over the application and packet and make sure it is filled out correctly and all required documents are included.
6. Once packet review is complete depending on the number of applicants we will start oral board interviews, for those that are not able to make it will be scheduled for next day.
7. After all oral board interviews are complete the panel will talk and call back the applicants that made it through the oral board process. If you get the call then we go on to the next step.
8. Once the oral board has determined you will go on to the next step you are considered a finalist and are given a conditional offer of employment, the conditional offer of employment is one that as long as the background check doesn’t produce any disqualifying convictions the conditional offer turn into a job offer. You will be given a background packet to fill out and return.
9. If the background process does not produce a disqualifying conviction you will be offered the job and will be scheduled with our HR department to start the on-boarding paperwork.
10. Once the paperwork is complete you will be scheduled for training, training consents of some classroom style learning and on the job training.
11. Once training is complete you will be put on the schedule to work your own posts.

Background checks for the guard card do not count towards our process. We want to make sure we only hire high quality officers. We take each situation and look at it. Having a conviction does not automatically disqualify anyone (unless its a felony or misdemeanor crime of domestic violence, due to employment requirements of being able to posse a firearm). Background checks usually take 1-3 days depending on how fast we can get ahold of previous employers, references, ect.

Below are the standards for the physical fitness test. You must pass the first test in order to go on to the next test. For example if you do not meet the sit up requirement you will not go on to the next portion.

Run: 2 miles in 16 Minutes
Push ups: 20 in 1 minute
Sit ups: 24 in 1 minute
Sprint: 300 meters in 65 seconds
One and one from 1-10 (a one and one is running in place, you will be told 1 you will go down do one push up and one sit up, get back up run in place. You will then be told 2 and you will go down do 2 push ups 2 sit ups and get back up and run in place and so on. This goes from 1 to 10, and then from 9-1. There is a total of 111 of each.)